Monday, June 7, 2010

Ruined for life

I feel very broken in my life right now. I am not fully aware of all the reasons. I am sure my longing to bring Samuel (we think this is going to be his name) home is a huge part of it. Christ has really begun tenderizing me these past few weeks. My heart is breaking for the poor in spirit as well as the materially poor. I hate to admit it, but I haven’t been one to truly feel affected by poverty or the potential of a life spent without knowing my Lord and Savior. I guess it is about time for some of me to pass away (flesh) and to take on more of an eternal perspective. I am daily humbled by what we have at our disposal and begging Christ to give me wisdom with His resources he has in trusted to us. I so desire to be wise with all that I have; it is hard to always know what that looks like. O God I want to hold all I have with an open hand before you!
With the brokenness there is life and joy. Only in Christ is this possible. I long for the days of being in Ethiopia. I know it will ruin me even more …….I can’t wait!!! Speaking of waiting, we are a huge step closer to meeting our son. We just received our CIS approval yesterday in the mail. I would bet we will be on the official wait list by the end of the week. This means it will roughly be about a year from now that we will be taking our second visit to Ethiopia and bringing Samuel home.
• Spiritual blessings on Samuel
• That he would know Christ as the bread of life
• Of course for perfect health for our son
• For both of our children to love Jesus and love others, would this be what defines them.
• Financial wisdom and provision for the rest of the adoption process
• Blessings on Caleb as Josh and I will be gone at least 2 weeks in Ethiopia this next year.
• Discernment for Josh and I to know how to specifically prayer for our children.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who pray for us, for our Samuel, encourage us, challenge us, and just live in community with us. We are truly blessed by each one of you. Thank you to all those families who have gone before us in this process and challenged us to do the same.


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